Q1 Can A Client Choose A Location Or Site Where PPML Products Are Not Available?
PPML’s products are strategically located for maximum visibility and impact. If the client wants another location, PPML will do its best to acquire that particular site. However, please keep in mind that each new location requires government approval. All sites currently listed with PPML have been approved by the government.
Q2 How Long Does The Installation Process Take?
It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks for the whole process, from the signing of the contract to the completion of the installation. The period also depends on the actual number and size of the panels because some aspects of production, like the printing of skins, are done outside or inside Cambodia.
Q3 If A Client Wants To Renew The Contract, When Should S/He Do It?
PPML will send you a letter informing you that your contract is about to expire and providing options on contract renewal two months before the actual expiration of the contract.
Q4 Can PPML Design And Execute The Artwork For Its Client?
PPML is not an advertising agency and therefore expects its clients to have their own artwork ready. PPML can, however, be involved in the design and production of artwork only if the client did not contract any ad agency and at additional cost.
Q5 Are There Any Specific Requirements That Must Be Met Before Any Artwork Is Submitted?
We have a guide for submission of artwork. Please click ‘products’ and then ‘Artwork Submission’.
Q6 I Want To Know More About PPML's Products And Prices. What Can I Do?
Interested companies can call or email us through the contact details provided in this website and Facebook Page : PPML Media